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La Primera Dama de la ciudad de Nueva York, Chirlane McCray inaugura la celebración del segundo aniversario de HeForShe en el MoMA

New York, NY (September 20, 2016) – First lady of New York City, Chirlane McCray, opened the HeForShe second anniversary at the MoMA in New York City, and shared a number of policies the city has enacted to advance gender equity. 

She also shared a powerful story of what it was like growing up with a HeForShe, her father. She said that even though he was the “strong but mostly silent” type, he taught his three daughters how to compete and to win. “I just know he would be tremendously proud of everything the De Blasio administration is doing in New York City to make sure his granddaughter—and his grandson—can be whoever they want to be.” she said.

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